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2 Charts That Might Define The Fed's Jerome Powell Era

2 Charts That Might Define The Fed's Jerome Powell Era

Authored by Daniel Nevins via,

In September, we proposed a theory of the Fed and suggested that the FOMC will soon worry mostly about financial imbalances without much concern for recession risks. We reached that conclusion by simply weighing the reputational pitfalls faced by the economists on the committee, but now we’ll add more meat to our argument, using financial flows data released last week.

One Bank Believes It Found The Identity Of Who Is "Propping Up The Bitcoin Market"

One Bank Believes It Found The Identity Of Who Is "Propping Up The Bitcoin Market"

Back in May when the Chinese domination over Bitcoin was ending, we predicted that it would shift over to Japan, specifically, we said that "just as the Chinese bubble frenzy in bitcoin is fading, it may be replaced with a new one, in which thousands of Mrs. Watanabe traders shift their attention away from the FX market and toward digital currencies" and added that "If the transition is seamless, there is no telling just how far this particular bubble can grow."

Stephen Roach Warns "Complacency Will Be Tested In 2018"

Stephen Roach Warns "Complacency Will Be Tested In 2018"

Authored by Stephen Roach via Project Syndicate,

Despite seemingly robust indicators, the world economy may not be nearly as resilient to shocks and systemic challenges as the consensus view seems to believe. In particular, the absence of a classic vigorous rebound from the Great Recession means that the global economy never recouped the growth lost in the worst downturn of modern times.
