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All You Need To Know About Today's Bitcoin Futures Contract

All You Need To Know About Today's Bitcoin Futures Contract

CBOE Global Markets Inc and CME Group Inc will launch futures contracts on bitcoin on Dec. 10 and Dec. 17 respectively. Here are some of the differences between the products to be offered by the exchange operators.


  • The Cboe Bitcoin Futures Contract will use the ticker XBT and will equal one bitcoin.
  • The CME Bitcoin Futures Contract will use the ticker BTC and will equal five bitcoins.


Bank of America: "We've Seen This Movie Before: It Ends With A Recession"

Bank of America: "We've Seen This Movie Before: It Ends With A Recession"

In a merciful transition from Wall Street's endless daily discussions and more often than not- monologues - of why vol is record low, and why a financial cataclysm will ensue once vol finally surges, lately the main topic preoccupying financial strategists has been the yield curve's ongoing collapse - with the 2s10s sliding and trading at levels last seen in April 2015, and with curve inversion predicted by BMO to take place as soon as March 2018. And, according to at least one other metric, the yield curve should already be some -25bps inverted.

The Seven Questions Goldman's Clients Have About "Rational Exuberance"

The Seven Questions Goldman's Clients Have About "Rational Exuberance"

In mid-November, just days after Barclays released its 2018 equity outlook with the title "Rational Exuberance"...

... Goldman's David Kostin decided that imitation was the sincerest form of unveiling a non-contrarian year-end forecast, and in presenting his revised S&P price target for 2018 of 2,850 - which accounts for GOP tax reform - "borrowed" the Barclays title for his own year ahead preview...

Six Ways US Stocks Are The Most Overvalued In History

Six Ways US Stocks Are The Most Overvalued In History

Submitted by Mish Shedlock

US large cap stocks are the most overvalued in history. Let's investigate six ways.

Crescat Capital claims US large cap stocks are the most overvalued in history, higher than prior speculative mania market peaks in 1929 and 2000.

Their 25-page presentation makes a compelling case, with numerous charts. It's worth your time to download and investigate the report.

Six Ways Socks Most Overvalued in History
