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Full Summary Of Chinese Actions To Prevent An All-Out Economic Collapse

Full Summary Of Chinese Actions To Prevent An All-Out Economic Collapse

Last summer, China unleashed an unprecedented array of measures - up to and including the arrest of "malicious short sellers" and prominent hedge fund mangers - to prevent its stock market bubble from bursting. It failed. A few months later, the chaos has spilled over from the relative containment of the capital markets and has engulfed not only the country's FX reserves, and capital account, but also the entire economy.

The Next Fed Chair All But Promised NIRP is Coming to the US

The Fed Vice-Chair has begun laying the groundwork for NIRP.


The US Federal Reserve is obsessed with market reactions to its policies. Because of this, anytime the Fed plans to announce a major change in policy, it preps the markets via numerous leaks and hints… oftentimes for months in advance.


An excellent example of this concerns the Fed’s decision to taper QE back in 2013.

At that time, the Fed had been engaging in two open ended-QE programs… programs that had been running for over six months.


ISM New York Tumbles Most Since August As Revenues Crash

ISM New York Tumbles Most Since August As Revenues Crash

While Chicago's business outlook managed a miraculous bounce in January, New York did not. ISM New York printed 54.6, plunging most since August from December's 62.0 level. The extremely noisy time series continues to swing, this time lower, as the underlying components deteriorate with Revenues collapsing to at least 3 year lows.

Headline data tumbled...


But Revenues crashed to the lowest since at least 2013...
