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Savings Rate Surges To Highest Since 2012 As Spending Disappoints

Savings Rate Surges To Highest Since 2012 As Spending Disappoints

The Keynesians will not be pleased. Despite the holiday season, December spending disappointed with no change MoM (0.0% vs +0.1% exp). This is further sentiment-destructivbe as income data rose more than expected MoM (+0.3% vs +0.2% exp) even as income growth YoY slipped to its weakest in 9 months.

Perhaps most sadly of all, 42% of December Personal Income gains came from Government Social Benefits, mostly Social Security and Medicare. Vive le recovery.

The West Is Traveling The Road To Economic Ruin — Paul Craig Roberts

The West Is Traveling The Road To Economic Ruin

Paul Craig Roberts

Michael Hudson is the best economist in the world. Indeed, I could almost say that he is the only economist in the world. Almost all of the rest are neoliberals, who are not economists but shills for financial interests.

If you have not heard of Michael Hudson it merely shows the power of the Matrix. Hudson should have won several Nobel prizes in economics, but he will never get one.

Crude Sinks To Day Lows After Goldman Explains Why No Oil Production Cuts Are Coming

Crude Sinks To Day Lows After Goldman Explains Why No Oil Production Cuts Are Coming

Moments ago, following last week's torrid crude oil price rebound driven entirely by now-denied hopes of some production cut consensus between oil suppliers, namely Russia and Saudi Arabia, oil halted its four-day rally as weak Chinese manufacturing data added to economic demand concern.

“The risk seems to be the greatest on the downside again” and speculation of OPEC production cuts has “faded fast,” says Saxo Bank head of commodity strategy Ole Hansen. “China and South Korea are both helping the market return to fundamental focus where it is worried about demand."
