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Mueller Goes After Trump's Bank Accounts, Subpoenas Deutsche Bank

Mueller Goes After Trump's Bank Accounts, Subpoenas Deutsche Bank

Special Counsel Robert Mueller has subpoenaed Deutsche Bank, demanding that it disclose details of transactions and documents on accounts help by President Trump and members of his family as the "Russian collusion" probe now turns its attention to Trump's bank accounts. According to Handelsblatt, which first reported the news, the bank received the subpoena several weeks ago.

An Autopsy of Lowest Selling Pressure EVER: S&P 500, NASDAQ 100 and DJIA Futures DataViz

An Autopsy of Lowest Selling Pressure EVER: S&P 500, NASDAQ 100 and DJIA Futures DataViz

E-mini S&P 500 Futures (ES)


Based on candlestick wick analysis and data across all three primary US futures contracts, there is less selling pressure than ever before.

Not since xyz, not since insert year here... there is less selling pressure than ever.  But everything's awesome, right?  Just BTFD, right?
