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WTI Crude Plunges To $34 Handle After Record Gasoline Inventory Build

Following last night's API-reported large draw in overall crude inventories (year-end and exports driven), DOE reports a 5.09mm draw (more than expectations of a 4.1mm draw but less than API's 5.6mm draw). However, Cushing inventories rose for the 9th week in a row (+917k) and more troubling for the future is gasoline inventories soared 10.58mm barrels - an all-time record (and distillates rose 6.31mm barrels). Crude prices already gave up their API gains and are tumbling back below $35 on this build news.


Manufacturing Leads, Services Follow: ISM Collapses To Weakest Since March 2014 As "Pace Of Hiring" Slows

As goes US manufacturing, so goes US services. In a narrative-crushing print, US Services PMI dropped to 54.3 - the lowest since January 2015. Output and New business growth slumped to 11-month lows, optimism dropped, and input cost inflation continued to moderate as "suggests the pace of hiring has slowed since earlier in the year as businesses have become more cautious." Then, confirming  this plunge, ISM Services printed 55.3 - its lowest since March 2014 as unadjusted new orders collapsed to their lowest since February 2014.

US Equity Collapse Erases All Post-QE3 Gains As FANTAsy Stocks Plunge

But, but, but... it's not a market-driven only by The Fed, right?


All major US equity indices (except Nasdaq and its FANTAsy stocks) are now deep in the red since The Fed stopped QE3...


Since the start of December stock have been dumped...


But FANTAsy stocks are collapsing so far in 2016...


As once again, the S&P 500 catches down to The Fed's balance sheet...


But it's the fundamentals right?

Apple Tumbles To ETFlash Crash Levels, Saved (For Now) By Another Tim Cook Hail Mary Announcement

Apple's shares broke below $100 in pre-market trading as analyst downgrades and further component producer outlook reductions weighed heavily on the "no brainer." It appears increasingly likely that Tim Cook's "rescue" email to Cramer on August was perhaps not the entire truth.. and the market is trading back to levels it first crossed in August 2014 (i.e.

A Shocked Wall Street Reacts To China's "Surprising" Devaluation

Less than a month ago, and just days after the Yuan was finally inducted into the IMF's hall of reserve currency fame, the Chinese Foreign Exchange Trade System, a part of the PBOC, made it very clear that what was about to happen would not be pretty, when it announced - in a statement which clearly everyone ignored - that going forward it would index the relative strength of the CNY not to the USD but the a basket of currencies (against which the USD to which it is pegged has been soaring).

