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WTI Crude Plunges To $34 Handle After Record Gasoline Inventory Build

Following last night's API-reported large draw in overall crude inventories (year-end and exports driven), DOE reports a 5.09mm draw (more than expectations of a 4.1mm draw but less than API's 5.6mm draw). However, Cushing inventories rose for the 9th week in a row (+917k) and more troubling for the future is gasoline inventories soared 10.58mm barrels - an all-time record (and distillates rose 6.31mm barrels). Crude prices already gave up their API gains and are tumbling back below $35 on this build news.


DOE conmfirms API's reported large draw but Cushing continues to build for the 9th week in a row...




A record build in gasoline stocks!!

The build in distillates means that primary product may be gettiung shipped away but there is no demand. So exporting oil from US helps with overall inventory decline, but massive build of gas, distillate shows clear production surplus

And even more worrisome, Domestic Supply in lower 48 up 20,000 boe/d and HIGHER than a year ago.


Crude jumped on the API news but gave it all up as growth fears rose overnight...


As we continue to remind traders - December ALWAYS see notably drawdowns as firms lighten up inventories on their balance sheet ahead of year-end to reduce tax burdens...


And judging from history, as Bloomberg notes, it should resume as soon as the festive season is over: Stocks have built by 3.2 million barrels on average in January since 1921.

Charts: Bloomberg