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Momo Massacred, Semis Slaughtered After Topping 2000 Peak, Nasdaq 'VIX' Spikes

Momo Massacred, Semis Slaughtered After Topping 2000 Peak, Nasdaq 'VIX' Spikes

CNBC busily defending the utter bloodbath in semi stocks as nothing to worry about... but this is the biggest plunge for these market darlings since Brexit (June 2016)...

...and just happens to have occurred as the index finally cleared the 2000 dotcom peak...


FANG Stocks are getting smashed - the biggest drop since Feb 2016...


The key factor is that Momentum is getting monkey-hammered...


For the biggest drop since the election...


And meanwhile - Nasdaq VIX has exploded...

Pending Home Sales Jump Most In 8 Months On Hurricane Rebound

Pending Home Sales Jump Most In 8 Months On Hurricane Rebound

Following the bounces in new- and existing-home sales in October, all eyes are on Pending Home Sales to complete the trifecta of 'proof' that housing is back baby... and it did rising 3.5% MoM (beating expectations of a 1.0% gain). The driver of the surge was The South (up 7.4% MoM) as September's 3% hurrican tumble is erased.

September's data was revsised slightly lower (from 0.0% to -0.4%) but October's jump is the biggest since Feb..

The surprise surge was driven by a huge rebound in The South:
