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3 Myths About Tax Cuts

3 Myths About Tax Cuts

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

On Friday, I touched on the proposed “tax cut/reform” bill introduced by the House Ways and Means committee which is chaired by Congressman Kevin Brady. Some of the key highlights of the “House plan”  are as follows (courtesy of Zacks Research):

Wilbur Ross Responds To Accusations He Hid Ties To Putin-Linked Firm

Wilbur Ross Responds To Accusations He Hid Ties To Putin-Linked Firm

After the latest offshore tax investigative bombshell called the "Paradise Papers" - a sequel to last year's Panama Papers - revealed yesterday that Trump's Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross had indirect business ties with two Russian oligarchs, as well as Vladimir Putin's son-in-law, the secretary who has found himself in hot water over more alleged backroom deals with Russia, rebutted those claims and told CNBC that he was totally transparent about his holdings, and all pertinent disclosures were made on his version of Form 278, the main financial disclosure form for the executive br

Frontrunning: November 6

  • Gunman kills 26 in Texas (Reuters)
  • Trump Urges Japan to Buy More U.S. Military Equipment (WSJ)
  • Ex-Catalan leader granted freedom to campaign for independence (Reuters)
  • House begins revising Republican tax bill to quell dissent (Reuters)
  • Why the Next Four Days Will Be Crucial for the GOP Tax Bill (BBG)
  • Broadcom offers to buy mobile chipmaker Qualcomm for $103 billion (Reuters)
  • Billionaire Olayan Family Said to Put Saudi IPO Plan on Hold (BBG)
  • How Doctors Are Getting Rich on Urine Tests for Opioid Patients (BBG)

It's Official: NY Fed President Bill Dudley To Retire Mid-2018

It's Official: NY Fed President Bill Dudley To Retire Mid-2018

Steve Liesman's Saturday night report that NY Fed president, and former Goldman chief economist is retiring, was spot on and moments ago it was confirmed by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York which today announced that "William C. Dudley, president and chief executive officer, intends to retire from his position in mid-2018 to ensure that a successor is in place well before the end of his term. Mr. Dudley’s term ends in January of 2019 when he reaches the 10 year policy-limit in the role."
