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FX Weekly Preview: USD Turnaround Hard Fought; Still A Correction Despite Stronger Data

FX Weekly Preview:  USD Turnaround Hard Fought; Still A Correction Despite Stronger Data

Submitted by Shant Movsesian and Rajan Dhall MSTA

In recent weeks, we have continued to look to further gains in the USD, initially led by a belief that the bearish scenario had been exhausted, but later on improving data.  Time frame is a key factor in our metrics for where we see currencies finding value, and given that we have seen some strong gains against the CAD and JPY in recent weeks, we may be close to congestion levels, which these days tend to develop into significant tops.  

The Deflating Rally

The Deflating Rally

Authored by Sven Henrich via,

Record prices continue to be printed on US indices as the global multiple expansion on the heels of still ongoing record central bank intervention has yet to slow down in a significant way.

All central banks were in essence dovish in recent days and weeks, whether the FOMC, the ECB, the BOE and of course the ever active BOJ as well as the SNB as it showed a new record $88B in direct holdings of US stocks.

Eric Peters: "The Next Market Cleanse Will Be Sharp, Deep, Fast And Feel Like The End Of The World"

Eric Peters: "The Next Market Cleanse Will Be Sharp, Deep, Fast And Feel Like The End Of The World"

The latest weekend note by Eric Peters, CIO of One River Asset Management, is his latest masterpiece in lyrical, stream of consciousness, financial analysis, and can be broadly divided into to broad parts: his latest take on financial markets analyzing the build up of disequilibrium which eventually culminates with discrete "flushes" that reset the system; how bold investors inevitably give up on financial sense and logic long (or just) before said flush takes place, and what this upcoming Minsky Moment could mean for the future.

Paradise Papers: Massive New Leak Exposes Tax-Haven Secrets, Links Wilbur Ross To Russia

Paradise Papers: Massive New Leak Exposes Tax-Haven Secrets, Links Wilbur Ross To Russia

Update: A Commerce spokesman told Fox News that Ross was not involved with Navigator’s decision to engage in business with Sibur, a publicly traded company, which was not under sanction at the time and is not currently. The spokesman also said Ross, the Trump administration’s point man on trade and manufacturing policy, “never met” Shamalov, and generally has supported the Trump administration’s sanctions against Russia, while recusing himself from matters focused on transoceanic shipping vessels.

"We’ll See Some Initial Panic": World Reacts To Billionaire Alwaleed's Stunning Purge

"We’ll See Some Initial Panic": World Reacts To Billionaire Alwaleed's Stunning Purge

A shocked world is gradually responding to the stunning news of the Saudi "countercoup" purge that took place overnight - the second in six months -  and which led to the arrest of 11 princes, 38 current and former senior officials on corruption charges from a newly established anti-corruption committee headed by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and which most notably resulted in the detention of Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, the billionaire Clinton Foundation donor with significant stakes in Citigroup and Twitter, and who famously feuded with president Donald Trump, calling him a "disgrace n
