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Kevin Warsh May Be The Next Fed Head - Let's See What He Really Thinks

Kevin Warsh May Be The Next Fed Head - Let's See What He Really Thinks

Authored bvy Daniel Nevins via,

As reported earlier this morning by the Wall Street Journal, President Trump and Treasury Secretary Mnuchin met with Kevin Warsh yesterday to discuss the potential vacancy at the Fed next February.

Warsh already has central banking experience, having sat on the Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) from February 2006 until March 2011.

Weekend Reading: Tax Cut Wish List

Weekend Reading: Tax Cut Wish List

Authored by Lance Roberts via,

On Wednesday, the President announced his plan to cut taxes for Americans, return jobs to America and return the country to economic prosperity.

It’s a tall order to fill, and the proposed tax reform is a “Christmas Wish List” that will have to checked twice to determine which parts are “naughty” and “nice.”

As I pointed out yesterday,
