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Is California Already In Recession?

Is California Already In Recession?

By Political Calculations

When it comes to the health of his state's economy, California Governor Jerry Brown has been walking on eggshells this year.

Twice each year, once in January and again in May, Gov. Jerry Brown warns Californians that the economic prosperity their state has enjoyed in recent years won't last forever.


Brown attaches his admonishments to the budgets he proposes to the Legislature – the initial one in January and a revised version four months later.


7 Reasons Why The US Canabis Industry Is About To Be "Rocked"

7 Reasons Why The US Canabis Industry Is About To Be "Rocked"

As DataTrek's Nicholas Colas reminds us, recreational marijuana sales become legal in California starting on New Year’s Day 2018. Given that one in eight Americans live in the state, this move will have major implications for the entire US legal cannabis industry.

So, to address any pent up investor questions, Colas has put together a list of 7 major points about the rollout in terms of regulations, taxes, revenue estimates, potential banking solutions, and employment consequences.

Here are the details:
