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Shocking Video Footage Of Sprawling California Tent City

Shocking Video Footage Of Sprawling California Tent City

California, 1 of only 6 states where Democrats control the governship, statehouse (with a super-majority nonetheless) and state supreme court, is perfectly setup to implement a Bernie Sanders-inspired socialist utopia where everyone makes the same amount of money, enjoys limitless social programs and is never exposed to the horrors of gender-based bathroom signs. 

California Floods To Trigger "The Big One"? - Geologists Warn Of Quake Risks From Snowpack, Rising Reservoirs

California Floods To Trigger "The Big One"? -  Geologists Warn Of Quake Risks From Snowpack, Rising Reservoirs

For years geologists have warned that Southern California is overdue for "The Big One", a massive 8.0 or greater earthquake that would undoubtedly cause unprecedented death and destruction in several heavily populated urban centers sprinkled along the San Andreas Fault line. 

Storm Of ‘Biblical Proportions’ To Strike California

The mother of all storms is set to hit California in the near future, with large sections of the State at risk of severe flooding, according to the National Weather Service. According to scientists, the recent bout of storms across the West coast of America are just a precursor to a much bigger storm that will be of “biblical proportions” compared to recent weather. Recent research has shown that every 200 years for the past 2,000 years or more, California has experienced massive floods that have swept through the state causing thousands of deaths.
