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Shocking Video Footage Of Sprawling California Tent City

California, 1 of only 6 states where Democrats control the governship, statehouse (with a super-majority nonetheless) and state supreme court, is perfectly setup to implement a Bernie Sanders-inspired socialist utopia where everyone makes the same amount of money, enjoys limitless social programs and is never exposed to the horrors of gender-based bathroom signs. 

And while liberals would like for you to believe that their socialist agenda is the cure for poverty (in addition to pretty much every other problem plaguing the world), California's reality paints a slightly different picture.  In fact, in just the latest example that all is not well in California's socialist utopia, Dan Lyman recently exposed this shocking video footage of a sprawling tent city that is 'home' to an estimated 1,000 residents. 

As Lyman points out, what was once a beautiful bike trail along the Pacific Ocean has now been transformed into a tent city, rife with crime, that reeks of garbage and human feces.

Locals have become increasingly alarmed by the rapid spread of unregulated squatters and their belongings – and their waste.


“As a cyclist who uses the trail to ride to the beach often, over this last year it has gotten substantially worse.  It is unsafe and unsanitary with loose dogs everywhere and human fecal matter scattered on the trail.”


“The area is disgusting and reeks of trash and feces.”


He reports that the bike trail, once popular with outdoors enthusiasts and families which runs for miles to beaches along the Pacific Ocean, has become unsafe as miscreants plot assaults and robberies on passing riders, even laying tripwires across the path.



But California's Democrats aren't just failing the poor people that have been relegated to tent cities, as we pointed out last fall (see "Americans Fleeing Expensive, Over-Taxed Metro Areas In Pursuit Of Affordability") people of all income brackets are fleeing the state in droves.  Not surprisingly, these domestic migrants are flocking to areas with a lower cost of living, lower/no state income taxes, less regulations and higher job growth (aka "Red" states). 


Ironically, the dark areas on the map above seem to match perfectly with the dark areas on this map which indicate those with the highest state income tax rates. 


But, if Jerry Brown can just get his $100 billion bullet train finished then we're sure all will be well.