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California Told To ‘Brace For Evacuation’ As Storm Approaches

Residents in parts of California have been told to prepare for an imminent evacuation as a powerful storm threatens to cause flooding across many parts of the State.  As the first outer rain bands from a Pacific storm touched Northern California on Sunday, residents in the Central Valley were told to be prepared to leave their homes amid fears that severe flooding could hit the State on Monday and Tuesday as the severity of the storm is expected to worsen.

California City Erects 'Prison Camp' To Deal With Homeless

There are two major problems that come to mind, explains's Mac Slavo; first, the level of homelessness, poverty and idle populations in California and across the country, and second, the divided world between the 1% and the struggling 99% is coming to a head.

Economically, things are very close to the brink, and there are far too many people who’ve given up at the individual level. This crisis has given the impetus for cities like Santa Ana to take drastic action.


Arguing Immigration with a Compassionate Liberal -or- How to Twist Your Head into a Pretzel

Arguing Immigration with a Compassionate Liberal -or- How to Twist Your Head into a Pretzel

 The following article by David Haggith was published first on The Great Recession Blog:

Arguing with a liberal about the economic impact of rampant immigration will twist your brain into a pretzel. It inevitably goes something like this:

“Illegal aliens and legal immigrants are taking millions of our jobs.”

“No, they’re not.”

“Then they’re all on welfare.”

Calexit Leader Found To Have “Serious Ties” With Russia

US intelligence officials say they have found ties between Calexit leader Louis Marinelli and a far-right nationalist group in Russia.  According to authorities, Louis Marinelli, who is leading the initiative to make California into its own country, may be secretly working for the Russians who love the idea of a California seceding. reports: Marinelli is an American who lives in Russia, but his movement is getting a lot of attention stateside. A recent Reuters poll found one in three Californians support the idea of withdrawing from the United States.

Oroville Dam Evacuation Order Lifted As Water Level Drops

Oroville Dam Evacuation Order Lifted As Water Level Drops

With the water level at California's Lake Oroville receding ahead of tomorrow's forecast rainfall, California officials lifted the evacuation orders for residents downstream of Oroville Dam, saying the dam may hold up to upcoming storms although following the government's failure to be forthright with the citizens, it is unclear how many of the almost 200,000 residents who were told to evacuate in the last possible moment after erosion threatened the emergency spillway, will return.
