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Here Are Some Of The Ridiculous New State Laws That Will Take Effect January 1st - Happy New Year!

Here Are Some Of The Ridiculous New State Laws That Will Take Effect January 1st - Happy New Year!

Back in September we wrote about what we thought for sure would be the wackiest new state law passed in 2016.  The law came from the state of California (of course) and demanded a 40% reduction in methane gas from cow flatulence by 2030.  Here's what we had to say about the bill:

House Flipping Makes A Comeback As 2016 Volume Soars To Highest Since 2007

House Flipping Makes A Comeback As 2016 Volume Soars To Highest Since 2007

Ten years after one of the largest asset corrections in history nearly brought down the entire global financial system, house flippers are making a comeback in a big way.  Just ask Eduardo Axtle, a 35-year-old former telecom entrepreneur (which we assume means Verizon store clerk) in Oakland, California, who say that "the floodgates have opened" and allowed him to take out 50 home loans over the past couple of years.  But we're sure Yellen & Co. were right, 0% interest rates for nearly a decade were a fantastic idea.

Here's Who Democrats Say Are The Top 15 Presidential Candidates For 2020

Here's Who Democrats Say Are The Top 15 Presidential Candidates For 2020

As Democrats continue to slowly come to terms with their stunning defeat on November 8th, one coping mechanism that has helped them to deal with the grief is getting a head start on a list of most likely new saviors who can defeat the evil Donald Trump in 2020 and restore "Hope" to America.  As such, Niall Stanage of The Hill has compiled a list of the 15 most likely challengers.  Most of the list is not terribly surprising and includes a number of establishment politicians which, given how the 2016 election cycle evolved, would almost certainly result in another Trump victory.

"Lines Out The Door": How Americans Respond When Liberal States Restrict Their Gun Rights

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

The window is closing on freedom in the Golden State, as liberal government leaders and increasingly bureaucratic laws are being used to strip away the rights of the people.

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a slew of new laws, seen by many as unconstitutional, that will make it incrementally more difficult for Californians to keep and bear arms.

Autism Rates In California Skyrocket Following Mandatory Vaccine Bill

According to new statistics, autism rates in California have exploded since the introduction of the mandatory vaccine bill last year.  Following the introduction of the controversial SB277 bill, signed by Governor Jerry Brown, autism rates have risen a staggering 17%. reports: The state of California passed its controversial mandatory vaccination law (SB 277), which removed personal and religious reasons from the list of being exempt from vaccinations, with the goal of increasing vaccination rates.
