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"Lines Out The Door": How Americans Respond When Liberal States Restrict Their Gun Rights

Submitted by Mac Slavo via,

The window is closing on freedom in the Golden State, as liberal government leaders and increasingly bureaucratic laws are being used to strip away the rights of the people.

Gov. Jerry Brown has signed a slew of new laws, seen by many as unconstitutional, that will make it incrementally more difficult for Californians to keep and bear arms.

But in response to new restrictions on owning so-called “assault weapons” and certain types of semi-automatic firearms, millions are lining up to make purchases during the last legal time frame to do so.

While the state tramples on freedom and bites back at the spirit of the founders who abhorred such bureaucratic tyranny, these patriots are sending a message that they won’t take it lying down, and will do all they can to hold onto their American heritage – and pass it down to future generations.

As of today, people can no longer legal purchase under the new laws taking effect, due to the 10-day waiting period law already in place.

via The Blaze:

Gun sales in California have skyrocketed during the second half of 2016 after California Gov. Jerry Brown, a Democrat, signed into law earlier this year a sweeping new set of gun control laws that are set to take effect Jan. 1.


Brown signed into law six measures, including one that requires California citizens to allow the government to confiscate their “high capacity” magazines, a law that requires a background check for ammunition sales, in addition to a “bullet button law.”


So-called bullet buttons are devices on semi-automatic rifles that allow a user to easily eject and insert a new magazine. You will still be able to own rifles that have a bullet button in California, but you’ll no longer be able to purchase a firearm that has one, according to the Los Angeles Times.


However, citizens who own firearms with the “bullet button” will have one year to register the gun with the state of California as an “assault weapon.”




The new guns laws have led to a run on firearms in California… Joshua Deaser, the owner of Just Guns in Sacramento, told the Times, “When Gov. Brown signed that bill, the first 30 days in July were just insane. It died down for a while but now we are back with everyone trying to get what they can before the end of the year.”


“We have people lined up out the door and around the block,” Terry McGuire, owner of the Get Loaded gun store in San Bernardino, added.

And they aren’t stopping there.

Breitbart is reporting that Californian lawmakers are planning an attempt at all-out ban of semi-automatic weapons in the coming year.

How that will play out remains to be seen, but the continued assault on the 2nd Amendment rights of all Americans trapped inside the country’s most populous state:

In a recent conversation with Breitbart News, Gun Owners of California’s (GOC) Sam Paredes told us to be ready for an all-out ban on semi-automatic long guns in California’s coming legislative session.


Paredes suggested the “assault weapons” ban and the “bullet button” ban have both been part of an incremental move…


“These laws are the tip of the iceberg here in California. We expect they are going to introduce legislation to totally ban semi-automatic long guns in California. They will do this because they know we will come up with a new way to beat their latest ban–the ‘bullet button’ ban–if given time.”

Eventually, a chaotic world will attempt to take away all the rights of the individual to self-defense.

If there wasn’t so much push back, it would surely be overnight.

Never mind that it opens up big cities to unrestricted violence and an overall diminished quality of life and access to opportunity.

This is a system that wants control, and to achieve that, they will stop at nothing short of a totally-disarmed population.

Read more:

The Watchlist Gun Bans Begin: Obama Enlists Governors to Bypass Congress: “By Executive Order”

Are You Designated As A “Super Gun Owner” And Will You Soon Be Targeted For Disarmament?

Texas Police Chief Warns Obama That Gun Control Will “Cause A Revolution… You’re Not Our Potentate, Sir”

Confiscation Is Coming: Obama To Issue Executive Order Targeting 4.2 Million Retirees With Massive Gun Ban

The Push For Full Disarmament of America Has Begun: “Outright Gun Ban and Mass Confiscation Once and For All”