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Central Intelligence Agency

Robots are just a catalyst shifting to new paradigm

Robots are just a catalyst shifting to new paradigm

The news, even the 'fake news' and 'alternative news' has been reduced to the bottom of the Maslow pyramid, personalizing things while dismantling the small amount of journalistic integrity that existed.  The only next lower step is name calling "you are stupid-head, poopy face" or throwing food.  Liberals are angry that Trump won, Trump supporters are angry that liberals are so angry, blacks are angry because one of their own is out; women are angry because a "Man" is President, what's next?

Former CIA Director: WikiLeaks Release Was An Inside Job

Former CIA Director: WikiLeaks Release Was An Inside Job

Former CIA Deputy Director Mike Morell claims that rogue agents working for the Deep State leaked information about CIA hacking and surveillance to WikiLeaks.  According to Morell, thousands of documents released as part of WikiLeaks’ Vault 7 release this week could only have been obtained by an insider working for the agency. Vault 7 is the largest ever batch of top-secret documents outlining how the CIA routinely hack smartphones, social media messaging apps and television sets in order to spy on the American public.

John McAfee: CIA Would Rather Suicide Me Than Protect Americans

John McAfee: CIA Would Rather Suicide Me Than Protect Americans

The CIA is a rogue organization that disobeys presidential orders and has failed its mandate to protect American citizens, says internet security guru John McAfee. Speaking after WikiLeaks released a trove of classified documents related to the CIA’s arsenal of cyberweapons, McAfee said the CIA practice of deliberately keeping software exploits unpatched for potential access “is like not giving sick people penicillin.” “The CIA has confirmed that they knew of ‘zero day’ exploits years in advance of the manufacturers of the software finding out,” he said.
