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John McAfee: CIA Would Rather Suicide Me Than Protect Americans

The CIA is a rogue organization that disobeys presidential orders and has failed its mandate to protect American citizens, says internet security guru John McAfee. Speaking after WikiLeaks released a trove of classified documents related to the CIA’s arsenal of cyberweapons, McAfee said the CIA practice of deliberately keeping software exploits unpatched for potential access “is like not giving sick people penicillin.” “The CIA has confirmed that they knew of ‘zero day’ exploits years in advance of the manufacturers of the software finding out,” he said. “Basically, by not fixing those faults it puts customers of Google, Apple, Microsoft and many other American manufacturers at risk, it puts their reputation at risks, and it costs us all billions of dollars.” My RT interview. I literally shame the CIA. Watch it before I get on their "So Tragic – He Committed Suicide" list: — John McAfee (@officialmcafee) March 10, 2017 John McAfee believes that WikiLeaks Vault 7 documents prove the CIA has failed its mandate to protect US citizens. “Seriously, aren’t we doing the same thing as having a bunch of ill people in our population, and the CIA has a boatload of penicillin, which could cure us, but they are not going to [...]