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Central Intelligence Agency

In Scathing Attack, CIA Director Brennan Warns Trump To "Watch What He Says"

In Scathing Attack, CIA Director Brennan Warns Trump To "Watch What He Says"

The departing CIA director John Brennan has launched a scathing attack on Donald Trump, warning the President-elect does not fully understand the threat posed to the US by Russia.

"I think Mr. Trump has to understand that absolving Russia of various actions it has taken in the past number of years is a road that he needs to be very, very careful about moving down."

Former Newspaper Editor Who Exposed CIA Found Dead

Dr Udo Ulfkotte, the former German newspaper editor whose bestselling book exposed how the CIA controls German media, has been found dead. Ulfkotte was an editor at Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, one of the largest newspapers in Germany, when he published Bought Journalists, the bestselling book that cost him his job and perhaps his life. He was 56. German media, who were banned from reporting on his work in recent years, are reporting he died of “heart failure”.
