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Germany: CIA Is Inciting Anti-Trump Civil War

Germany has accused the CIA of inciting a civil war by deliberately stirring up anti-Trump rhetoric in Washington D.C. According to Willy Wimmer, the US establishment and intelligence agencies want to ensure Trump’s presidency ends in disaster for the American public. The former vice president of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE) told RT, “When you see the situation in Washington, I think they are not willing, those who lost the election, to accept the new president whose name is Trump… What’s going on in Washington sounds like the beginning of a civil war.” reports: The former OSCE top official noted that not only members of the Democratic Party, who staked everything on Clinton’s victory, but also Republicans from the war establishment camp, like Sen. John McCain, put up a united front against US President-elect Donald Trump’s plans to build good relations with other countries. Such foreign policy strategy may deal a blow to their hawkish worldview, Wimmer argues. “There is a network of resistance against the President who will be in office on the 20th of January and I think when you look at the reality in Europe, people of all our European [...]

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