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Central Intelligence Agency

McCain Has Blood On His Hands

McCain Has Blood On His Hands

Submitted by Mike Shedlock  via,

If there was ever any doubt who perpetual warmonger, Senator John McCain, wanted for US president, this headline explains: Russian cyberintrusions an ‘act of war’

Today, CNN writer Frida Ghitis repeats McCain’s claim with Putin’s ‘act of war’ against American democracy.

CIA Bases Congressional Russian Hacking Report on Possibilities, Not Truth

Via The Daily Bell

Intel report warns Moscow will try to influence elections in countries allied to US. The declassified version of the report warned that other countries were also vulnerable to attack. - Independent

Intelligence in the US is becoming even more emphatic about the Russian threat to elections, claiming that Russians will start to disrupt the elections of other countries like they are disrupting American ones.

Fort Lauderdale Gunman Was Recruited By CIA To Join ISIS

Fort Lauderdale gunman Esteban Santiago has revealed that the CIA had recruited him prior to the attacks and urged him to join ISIS.  The 26-year-old veteran also claims the CIA made him hear voices in order to attempt to control his mind – all part of a bigger plot to force him to join the terror organisation. reports: A law enforcement official says he told the FBI that the government was controlling his mind and was forcing him to watch ISIS videos. Santiago appeared incoherent at times, a source told ABC News.

WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17%

WikiLeaks Wins Credibility Contest With CIA 83% to 17%

In an op-ed for the Baltimore Sun, two former, high-ranking intelligence officials tore apart the Obama administration’s vocal and as-yet unproven claim that the Russians interfered with the U.S. election — and hacked systems of the Democratic establishment — to ensure a Donald Trump win.

War on thinking - CIA controls the markets, too

War on thinking - CIA controls the markets, too

There's been a lot of discussion lately on the 'internets' (The internet is a medium which was invented by Al Gore and named 'internets' by George Bush) about CIA mind control, and CIA propaganda techniques being heavily used in the campaign to deceive the public about Russian 'hacking' and to create false enemies like 'terrorists' such as the alleged mind controlled shooter (shooter admits he was 'mind controlled' by intelligence agency, eyewitness claims there were at least three other "sleepers," shooters, with high-powered rifles shooting into crowd » Intellihub):
