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War on thinking - CIA controls the markets, too

There's been a lot of discussion lately on the 'internets' (The internet is a medium which was invented by Al Gore and named 'internets' by George Bush) about CIA mind control, and CIA propaganda techniques being heavily used in the campaign to deceive the public about Russian 'hacking' and to create false enemies like 'terrorists' such as the alleged mind controlled shooter (shooter admits he was 'mind controlled' by intelligence agency, eyewitness claims there were at least three other "sleepers," shooters, with high-powered rifles shooting into crowd » Intellihub):

Santiago, who was arrested in January and waiting to stand trial in March on criminal charges, recently showed up to an F.B.I. office in Anchorage unannounced seeking help.

Santiago told the F.B.I. he thought he was being mind controlled, possibly by the U.S. government or the C.I.A. and admitted hearing voices, which Santiago said told him to study “extremist materials on the Internet,” the New York Times reports.

This is no surprise as those following this topic for years know that this is a common method used by the CIA originally developed during the 60's most notably but not exclusively through a program known as MK Ultra.  You can read more about this in this book: Virtual Government: CIA Mind Control Operations in America.

The fact is that the CIA, as a branch of America, Inc. is simply the arm of a business.  It's a subversive division of a huge corporate enterprise called America, Inc. which has turned everything into a business, even politics.  Health care is a 'business' now and even there is something called the 'restaurant industry' - where people used to cook now even that has been outsourced to corporate America Inc.  The CIA and it's games are no different - they are simply a well funded group that protects American business interests at home and abroad (with a flat world, who is to say there are not reasons the CIA needs to operate domestically, for example terrorist cells in Florida, foreign owned corporations which is nearly 50% of all US corporations... )

We explain the connection between the CIA and the markets in our book Splitting Pennies.  The CIA works for the banks.  Banking, is simply the most profitable business in America.  There are nearly 10,000 banks in USA.  In previous times, the CIA worked for other corporations such as The United Fruit company, ending in a coup in Guatemala in 1954.  It's not a conspiracy, it's not a secret, it's just business.  The connection between the CIA and America Inc. is fairly simple, it's explicit, obvious, and useful for American business.  Now, the modus operandi is the information war - the war for your mind - which is largely fought on the battlefield of the internet.  So the CIA backed Facebook, Google, and other data-collecting internet ventures through their VC arm (ironically, the only non-profit VC fund in Silicon Valley) In-q-tel.  Of course, early stage investment comes with one condition - management has to sign an NDA that protects 'classified' investors CIA, NSA, etc.  And their other condition - to provide them with 'data' as they request it.  

Those in financial services know quite well how quickly the FBI can shut down your offices, and most financial professionals are given training about Patriot Act compliance and AML (Anti-Money Laundering) training always includes the humorous 'terrorist identification training' - bankers are supposed to ask their clients if they are terrorists, and report any suspicious activity to FinCen.  The reality of these programs is they do not stop any terrorist financing they only stop Americans with dogs with strange names like "Dash" and serve as a potential threat to 'fake news sites' (anyone can be reported as a terrorist, without any evidence - and because of new rules you are guilty until proven innocent).  Fortunately this power isn't being used YET but it exists, and it's there.  They're still using the planting child porn trick which seems to work well because how can you prove that you didn't plant it, everyone who actually is a pedophile hides the fact that he is.

The CIA was a business from day one, but it has rapidly evolved and changed with the times.  It's first several significant clients were Oil Sheik states, leading to the extremely economically positive Nixon US Dollar / Petro Dollar deal currently supporting the US Dollar today; opening up the seizure of huge assets in Latin and Central America for US and UK corporations; and in the last 20 years the creation of a new generation of vassal states like Ukraine, Libya, Iraq, and the final attempt at Syria which is a huge failure.  Now, the CIA has simply shifted to adapt to the new world, their focus is now the information war, mostly on behalf of their banking clients, but also the information war can be used to create "Arab Spring" or even to fake a hacked election as we're seeing now with this Wag the Dog style campaign.  A major difference in the CIA's project "Russian Hacked the Elections" and other campaigns is this is one of the first large domestic, politicized campaigns.  Few Americans would critisize the agency for working hard for the taxpayer getting that Oil we are so thirsty for, or for helping US companies plunder foreign assets.  We have big appetites and as a net importer we need the spice to flow.  

But here they may have crossed the line, getting themselves involved in domestic politics is an obvious conflict of interest and interesting abuse of power (as the Democrats still hold the keys to the kingdom for another few days).  Trump says he's going to revamp the intelligence aparatus - we'll see what happens when he's in the Oval Office.  

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