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Which Cities Have Massively Overbuilt Retail Square Footage Since 2000? Hint: Most Of Them

Which Cities Have Massively Overbuilt Retail Square Footage Since 2000? Hint: Most Of Them

America's dying malls have been a frequent topic for us over the past couple of years.  And, with the S&P soaring to new highs each and every day while completely shaking off a swath of retail bankruptcies that have left malls with no option but to fill their empty spaces with high schools, doctors offices and grocery stores, you can imagine our intrigue.

Officer Who Shot 12-Year Old Tamir Rice Fired From Cleveland PD

Officer Who Shot 12-Year Old Tamir Rice Fired From Cleveland PD

The City of Cleveland has fired Timothy Loehmann, the police officer who shot and killed 12-year old Tamir Rice in 2014, the New York Times reported.

The city also suspended a second officer who was involved in the shooting, patrol car driver Frank Garmback, for 10 days beginning Wednesday.

The city announced in January that Loehmann, Garmback and a third officer involved in the shooting would face administrative penalties.

"Easter Day Slaughter": Manhunt For Active Cleveland Shooter Who Killed Man Live On Facebook, Reportedly Murdered 15

The Cleveland Police is looking for an active shooter, identified as 37-year-old Steve Stephens, who has broadcast a murder live on Facebook. According to Fox 8, he has claimed to have killed other people and says he is looking for more victims.

Cleveland Prosecutor Says Dozens Of Pedophile Cases Were ‘Ignored’

Prosecutor Michael O’Malley has uncovered evidence of over 70 child pedophile cases that were deliberately ignored by authorities in Cleveland.  According to O’Malley, authorities in Cleveland ignored around 70 rape and sexual assault crimes involving children. reports: “There was a conscious decision (by prosecutors) to make some of these cases inactive,” O’Malley said. “It’s outrageous.” The problem was first reported Monday by

Possible Precursor Eruption Detected At Alaska’s Cleveland Volcano

Scientists have raised the threat level at Alaska’s Cleveland volcano from yellow to orange after detecting a low-level eruption on Saturday morning – sparking fears that the rumble could be a precursor to a bigger eruption.  Jessica Larsen, with the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, said scientists had not seen evidence for ash in satellite images.
