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Cleveland Prosecutor Says Dozens Of Pedophile Cases Were ‘Ignored’

Prosecutor Michael O’Malley has uncovered evidence of over 70 child pedophile cases that were deliberately ignored by authorities in Cleveland.  According to O’Malley, authorities in Cleveland ignored around 70 rape and sexual assault crimes involving children. reports: “There was a conscious decision (by prosecutors) to make some of these cases inactive,” O’Malley said. “It’s outrageous.” The problem was first reported Monday by Charges have been filed in about a dozen of the 70 cases thus far, O’Malley said, adding that some may not result in charges while others will be sent back to police for further investigation. The review of the inactive cases could result in hundreds of new charges being filed, he said. The prosecutor’s office was first alerted to the problem during O’Malley’s first week in office by an advocate from the Cleveland Rape Crisis Center acting on behalf of victims’ families who asked for an update about some of the cases that had been ignored. The review has consumed the prosecutor’s office during O’Malley’s first six weeks in office. “We’re peeling the layers of an onion,” he said. “And every day there are more revelations.” Some of the victims in the 70 cases were as young [...]

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