Army Captain Sues Obama Claiming ISIS War Is Illegal
An Army Captain is suing US President Barack Obama, claiming that the war against ISIS is illegal because it was not authorized by Congress.
An Army Captain is suing US President Barack Obama, claiming that the war against ISIS is illegal because it was not authorized by Congress.
For the first time since the weeks and months following the September 11 attacks, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has become a candidate for prime scrutiny on Capitol Hill.
In a disappointingly similar tone to the warnings, threats, and promises sent to Congress in 2008 when demanding the banks get their bailout (or else), Treasury Secretary Jack lew has released a letter he sent to Congress warning that if Puerto Rico's situation is not "fixed" in an "orderly" manner "quickly" then the nation will face "cascading defaults."
In a rare show of bipartisanship, President Obama and top Republicans in Congress have come together to shield Americans from knowing the truth about who was behind the 9/11 terror attacks, which took the lives of 2996 people in 2001. However strange it is for neoconservative members of Congress to agree with Obama on anything, there is no doubt the issue must be serious if it warrants this level of partnership.
A powerful lobby group claiming to represent over 31% of American voters has organised rallies in Washington this week to formally ask Congress to recognise non-obese people as a minority group in America. 40,000 people gathered in Washington, 20,000 in Los Angeles and 15,000 in New York to voice their support of the Alliance to Make US Healthiest organisation in granting rights for non-overweight Americans.