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Army Captain Sues Obama Claiming ISIS War Is Illegal

An Army Captain is suing US President Barack Obama, claiming that the war against ISIS is illegal because it was not authorized by Congress. In court documents filed in the US District Court for the District of Columbia, Captain Nathan Michael Smith, a 28 year old military intelligence officer said: “Under the 1973 War Powers Resolution, when the President introduces United States armed forces into hostilities… he must either get approval from Congress within sixty day to continue the operation, in the form of a declaration of war… [the] President did not get Congress’s approval for his war against ISIS in Iraq or Syria… the war is therefore illegal” Smith’s lawsuit comes following the death of a third American service member, Charles Keating (pictured centre) who was fighting in Iraq. RT reports: The court documents say that the 1973 War Powers Resolution was enacted by Congress to prevent presidential overreach and protect Congress’ right to vote on whether and when to go to war. The resolution was created after Presidents Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon escalated the war in Vietnam and extended it into Laos and Thailand as a general “war against communism.” Captain Smith, 28, was commissioned in 2010 and [...]