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Consumer Financial Protection Bureau

Trump Wins: Judge Denies Obama Holdover's Suit Against Mulvaney Running CFPB

Trump Wins: Judge Denies Obama Holdover's Suit Against Mulvaney Running CFPB

In a somewhat unsurprising decision, President Trump won a legal fight over who gets to run the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (at least for now).

As Bloomberg reports, Trump's budget director Mick Mulvaney can remain as temporary head of the agency, a federal judge ruled in rejecting a request to block the move fromLeandra English, who was named to the role by the departing director.

CFPB Makes It Easier For Customers To Sue Banks

CFPB Makes It Easier For Customers To Sue Banks

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau just made it easier for ordinary citizens to sue banks by restricting how they can use mandatory arbitration to block class-action lawsuits, according to Bloomberg. But the decision – inspired by a 2015 investigative series in the New York Times about how US companies, particularly credit card companies and payday lenders, abuse the practice – likely won’t stay on the books for long. As the LA Times writes:

Trump To Sign Executive Orders Undoing Dodd-Frank, "Fiduciary Rule"

Trump To Sign Executive Orders Undoing Dodd-Frank, "Fiduciary Rule"

On Friday, President Donald Trump plans to sign an executive action to scale back the 2010 Dodd-Frank financial-overhaul law, in a sweeping plan to dismantle much of the regulatory system put in place after the financial crisis. The order won't have any immediate impact. But it directs the Treasury secretary to consult with members of different regulatory agencies and the Financial Stability Oversight Council and report back on potential changes. 
