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Democratic National Committee

Wasserman-Schultz Gave Known Terrorist Access To Classified Information

Wasserman-Schultz Gave Known Terrorist Access To Classified Information

Disgraced former DNC chair Debbie Wasserman-Schultz employed a Muslim man under investigation for terrorist ties for almost a decade, and even after police alerted her to the fact the man was likely stealing sensitive data from Congress, she continued to allow him access to the servers where the information was being stolen. Rejecting the police warning as “racist“, Debbie Wasserman Schultz is either the most naive person in the world, or a co-conspirator in a nefarious plot to funnel information out of Congress.

DNC Rejects Ban On Corporate Lobbying Donations

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has unanimously decided to ignore the will of the voters and has rejected a ban on corporate lobbying donations.  Despite the Clinton campaign losing last years presidential election due to the myriad of accusations of pay for play, and undue influence from Wall Street and Big Pharma, the DNC has decided to stick with Clinton amid a furious backlash from ordinary voters.
