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Democratic National Committee

The Democratic Party Is Out Of Ideas And About To Quadruple-Down On Failed Identity Politics

Submitted by Mike Krieger via Liberty Blitzkrieg blog,

Yes, of course, Trump winning the GOP nomination marks the end of the party as we know it. After all, some neocons are already publicly and actively throwing their support behind Hillary. While this undoubtably represents a major turning point in U.S. political history, many pundits have yet to appreciate that the exact same thing is happening within the Democratic Party. It’s just not completely obvious yet.


Why Donald Trump Is Spot-On About The Russians And The Election

Submitted by John Reed Stark via,

President-elect Donald Trump has recently questioned: 1) President Obama's finger pointing at the Russians for election-related cyberattacks; and 2) the current media and pundit frenzy alleging a Russian cyber-strike targeting Secretary Hillary Clinton in order to assure a Trump presidency. President-elect Trump plans to press U.S. intelligence agencies to defend their conclusions, stating,

"Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up

"Something Stinks" - Like Iraq WMD Fiasco, Russia Story Doesn't Add Up

Submitted by Michael Shedlock via,

Yesterday, President Obama expelled 35 Russian “Operatives” from the Russian Embassy.

Is there any evidence those expelled are “intelligence operatives”? Any hard evidence Russia was behind the Hillary hacks? Any credible evidence that Putin himself is to blame?

The answers are No, No, and No. Yet, once again the American press is again asked to co-sign a dubious intelligence assessment.

Senator Lindsey Graham Says Russia Hacked His Presidential Campaign Account

Not wanting to be left out of the giant farce that is the "The Russians did it" narrative, Republican senator from North Carolina Lindsey Graham told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer on Wednesday that not only did Russia hack the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta’s emails, but they also hacked into his very own personal presidential campaign account.
