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Department of Defense

How Not to Audit the Pentagon

From spending $150 million on private villas for a handful of personnel in Afghanistan to blowing $2.7 billion on an air surveillance balloon that doesn’t work, the latest revelations of waste at the Pentagon are just the most recent howlers in a long line of similar stories stretching back at least five decades. Other hot-off-the-presses examples would include the Army’s purchase of helicopter gears worth $500 each for $8,000 each and the accumulation of billions of dollars’ worth of weapons components that will never be used.

Pentagon: Hundreds Of Military Kids Are Sexually Abused Each Year

The Pentagon have revealed that hundreds of incidents involving sexual assaults with children of service members occur every year.  The revelation by the Defense Department shows that abuse is mostly committed by male enlisted troops and family members. Yahoo News reports: The figures offer greater insight into the sexual abuse of children committed by service members, a problem of uncertain scale due to a lack of transparency into the military’s legal proceedings. With more than 1 million military dependents, the number of cases appears statistically small.
