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Keystone XL Pipeline Shut Down After 5,000-Barrel Spill In South Dakota

Keystone XL Pipeline Shut Down After 5,000-Barrel Spill In South Dakota

Well this is awkward.  After months/years of protests targeting the Keystone XL pipeline from environmentalists worried about oil spills, TransCanada has now been forced to shut down the pipeline following...drum roll please...a 5,000 barrel oil spill in South Dakota.  According to The Hill, the pipeline was taken offline at 6am this morning following a leak that was discovered about 35 miles south of a pumping station in Marshall County, South Dakota.

US Industrial Production Jumps In October - Remains Below 2014 Peak

US Industrial Production Jumps In October - Remains Below 2014 Peak

After August's shocking plunge in Industrial Production - assumed away as storm-related -September and now October rebounded notably MoM (+0.9% vs +0.5% exp)...

as Manufacturing resurged 1.3% MoM - the most since 2010.

However, excluding the effects of the hurricanes, the index for total output advanced about 0.3 percent in October, and the index for manufacturing advanced about 0.2 percent.

In other words, the hurricanes contributed 6% of the rebound in IP... so we're gonna need moar hurricanes!

San Andreas 'Quake Swarm' Has Cali Residents Fearing The 'Big One' Is Imminent

San Andreas 'Quake Swarm' Has Cali Residents Fearing The 'Big One' Is Imminent

Yesterday morning a series of 10 earthquakes struck Monterey County, California along the San Andreas fault line and has Cali residents increasingly concerned that the "Big One" could be next.  The quakes, the biggest of which measured 4.6 on the Richter scale, hit near Salinas, California but were felt 90 miles away in San Francisco.  Per SF Gate:

A 4.6-magnitude earthquake rattled Monterey County on Monday and was felt more than 90 miles away in San Francisco, officials said.




Well that escalated really quickly...

GE is now down over 15% from its pre-open highs and down over 8% on the day (the biggest drop in over 8 years)...

Crashing below its Aug 2015 flash crash lows to its lowest since June 2012...
