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Doctor Dragged From United Plane After Computer "Solves" Overbooking Problem

A man was violently dragged off of a United Airlines flight Sunday evening after it was apparently overbooked, according to passengers who were on the plane.

As The Courier Journal reports, a United spokesperson confirmed in an email Sunday night that a passenger had been taken off a flight in Chicago.

Silicon Valley Survivalist Builds DIY “TsunamiBall” To Ride Out Disaster

Authored by Mac Slavo via,

Whenever seismic activity kicks up on the planet, earthquakes, volcanoes and tsunamis are triggered.

Just how big, and how devastating, depends upon chance, and the build-up of pressures within the earth.

But anyway you slice it, places like Southern California, and globally, the Ring of Fire, are in the danger zone. Many say that it’s just a matter of time.

With that in mind, survival-minded individuals and disaster preppers have been trying to get ready, and help others get ready, too.
