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Fukushima Now So Deadly Even Robots Cannot Survive

Radiation levels inside reactor No. 2 at Fukushima are now so dangerously high that even robots cannot survive inside.  A remote controlled robot sent in to the reactor had to be pulled out after it malfunctioned due to the extreme radiation levels. According to reports, radiation levels are now at 650 sieverts per hour – almost 10 times the amount recorded right after the meltdown occurred. reports: “I had hoped that the previous results were wrong,” a government source told The Japan Times.

George Soros Orchestrates Devastating Plan To Kill 100,000 Haitians

George Soros is planning to kill over 100,000 Haitians via an orchestrated famine, as large numbers of residents in Haiti are due to be kicked out of the country over a lack of funds in renewing their residence permits.  In the next few months these Haitians are expected to make the treacherous journey to Puerto Rico on rickety boats which experts claim will lead to starvation of nearly all who attempt it.

U.S. Drivers Can Now ‘Legally’ Hit Protestors Standing In Their Way

A new bill will allow U.S. drivers in Tennessee to hit protestors standing in their way and remain immune from prosecution – even if the protestors suffer injuries.  The Tennessee bill aims to address protesters who block traffic and cause a nuisance to drivers. reports: Senator Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro) introduced the bill and said in a statement, “We believe that citizens have the right to protest. There is a procedure for peaceful protests and the purpose of that process is to protect the safety of our citizens.

Mayor Warns Of Imminent ‘Manmade Earthquake’ To Destroy Turkey

The mayor of Ankara warned on Tuesday that hostile outside forces were planning to orchestrate a manmade earthquake in Turkey, capable of wreaking huge damage across the country.  Melih Gokcek, who has been mayor since 1994, made the claims via Twitter on Tuesday, hinting that sophisticated weather warfare technology would be used to trigger a manmade earthquake which would damage Turkey’s economy.
