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George Soros Orchestrates Devastating Plan To Kill 100,000 Haitians

George Soros is planning to kill over 100,000 Haitians via an orchestrated famine, as large numbers of residents in Haiti are due to be kicked out of the country over a lack of funds in renewing their residence permits.  In the next few months these Haitians are expected to make the treacherous journey to Puerto Rico on rickety boats which experts claim will lead to starvation of nearly all who attempt it. reports: Over 140,000 Haitians currently residing inside of Dominican soil are slated to be asked to pay 350 dollars to renew their residence permits, something which most will not be able to do as the economy has industrialized rapidly in recent years, squeezing out sugar field laborers and their children. Since most of these Haitians grew up speaking Spanish, they are unlikely to return to French-speaking Haiti. Haiti has refused to grant passports to all but 30,000 individuals, citing its status as a failed state unable to verify people’s identity in refusing to recognize its own people. In the coming months, over 100,000 Haitians will be forced to decide if they want to return to Haiti or if they want to try their luck on a rickety boat, making it to Puerto Rico and [...]

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