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U.S. Drivers Can Now ‘Legally’ Hit Protestors Standing In Their Way

A new bill will allow U.S. drivers in Tennessee to hit protestors standing in their way and remain immune from prosecution – even if the protestors suffer injuries.  The Tennessee bill aims to address protesters who block traffic and cause a nuisance to drivers. reports: Senator Bill Ketron (R-Murfreesboro) introduced the bill and said in a statement, “We believe that citizens have the right to protest. There is a procedure for peaceful protests and the purpose of that process is to protect the safety of our citizens. Protestors have no right to be in the middle of the road or our highways for their own safety and the safety of the traveling public.” Representative Matthew Hill (R–Jonesborough) sponsored the bill, and issued a statement saying, “We are not endorsing anyone running over a person with a car, whether it is protestors or anyone else. If someone intentionally harms a person, they are going to be charged with a crime, period. There is a clear difference, however, between peacefully protesting and lawless rioters in the middle of a public roadway who jeopardize the safety of our families. This is a public safety bill that is meant to protect everyone’s right [...]

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