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Chicago's Terrible New Plan To Force High School Kids Into The Military

Chicago's Terrible New Plan To Force High School Kids Into The Military

Authored by Alice Salles via,

Chicago, Illinois, has a chronic inflated state problem disguised as a schooling problem. In order to eradicate the symptom, Mayor Rahm Emanuel has decided to attack those who suffer from it and not the actual root of the problem — adopting a classic “more of the same” approach.

"Colleges Are Preparing Kids For An Economy That No Longer Exists" As They Continue To Scam Parents And Students

"Colleges Are Preparing Kids For An Economy That No Longer Exists" As They Continue To Scam Parents And Students

Authored by Daniel Ameduri via,

As I sat down to enjoy some smoked salmon at a recent BBQ I attended, I ended up at a table with two recent high school graduates.

To my disappointment, when I asked them what their plans were for the summer and beyond, both said they were heading to college.

With student loans and a wasteful four years in front of them, I couldn’t help but ask why.

Is there really anything that takes 4 to 8 years to learn or become an expert in?

Manufacturing Companies Struggle To Recruit Workers For High-Paying Management Jobs

Manufacturing Companies Struggle To Recruit Workers For High-Paying Management Jobs

Americans who are hoping to avoid the shackles of student debt and proceed straight from high school into the workforce have more options for well-paid gainful employment than they might think. Even as the ROI on college degrees continues to decline, employers in certain blue-collar industries are struggling to fill management jobs that pay as much, or more, than jobs that require a college degree.
