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Democrats At Pennsylvania College Invite Students To Wear White Pins As Reminder Of Their "White Privilege"

Democrats At Pennsylvania College Invite Students To Wear White Pins As Reminder Of Their "White Privilege"

Students at Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania are being encouraged by the campus Democrat club to wear a white pin for a year to help them reflect on their "white privilege and the impact white privilege has on people of color."  The campaign was launched over the weekend by the Elizabethtown College Democrats, who say it aims to make students at the small and private liberal arts college in Pennsylvania more introspective about issues of race, especially in their predominantly white region of Lancaster County.

Maduro Kicks CNN Out Of Venezuela For Spreading Fake News

President Nicolas Maduro said on Sunday he wanted CNN out of Venezuela, accusing the network of spreading fake news. “CNN does not need to put its nose in Venezuela … I want CNN well away from here” Maduro said adding that they misrepresent the truth and meddle in issues that are none of its concern. Zero Hedge reports “CNN, do not get into the affairs of Venezuelans. I want CNN well away from here. Outside of Venezuela. Do not put your nose in Venezuela,” said Maduro during a political statement. Quoted by Fox News, Maduro made the comment after blaming the U.S.
