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Nearly Half Of Early-20s Millennials Still Get A Monthly Housing Allowance From Mom And Dad

Nearly Half Of Early-20s Millennials Still Get A Monthly Housing Allowance From Mom And Dad

In an age when our pampered, snowflake millennials can't manage to engage in a simple conversation with someone holding a dissenting opinion, at least not without being "triggered" repeatedly by a barrage of "micro-aggressions", let along determine their own gender absent a pamphlet from their enabling college of choice, it should come as no surprise that nearly half of young adults between the ages of 22-24 receive monthly housing allowances from their parents. 

Students From 26 New York City High Schools And Colleges Skip Class To Protest Trump

Students From 26 New York City High Schools And Colleges Skip Class To Protest Trump

Armed with the infinite wisdom they've managed to garner in their ~14 years on planet earth, hundreds of New York City high school students decided to ditch class yesterday to protest Trump and his "fascist" policies.  Carrying signs comparing Trump to Hitler and calling on fellow protesters to "Punch a Nazi," the AWOL youngsters, emboldened by a cute, if delusional and naive, sense of grandeur compared their efforts to youth involvement in the civil rights movement and Tiananmen Square.  Per the Gothamist:

San Francisco Becomes First City To Offer Free College For All - "Even Facebook Founder's Kids"

"Even the children of the founders of Facebook" will now receive free community college education in San Francisco, Supervisor Jane Kim proudly commented as city leaders agreed to become the first city in the nation to offer its citizenry this 'basic human right'.


Bronx School Has Lead Water Levels 16 Times Higher Than Flint

Tests from two public schools in the Bronx found elevated levels of lead in their water, with one testing 16 times higher than Flint, Michigan. The tests were carried out by the Department of Education DOE in conjunction with the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) and the Department of Environmental Protection (DEP). The city Department of Education issued letters to parents earlier this week informing them that lead levels were higher than the EPA’s action level of 15 parts per billion, NBC New York reports.

House Republican Introduces Bill To Abolish Dept. Of Education On Same Day DeVos Confirmed To Run It

House Republican Introduces Bill To Abolish Dept. Of Education On Same Day DeVos Confirmed To Run It

In a slight bit of irony, a Republican Representative from the state of Kentucky, Thomas Massie, introduced H.R. 899, a bill written to abolish the Department of Education in it's entirety, on the same day that Vice President Pence cast the unprecedented, tie-breaking vote to confirm that department's new Secretary, Betsy DeVos

Apparently Massie is "in to the whole brevity thing" as the entire bill consists of a single sentence:

"The Department of Education shall terminate on December 31, 2018."
