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The One Percent Democrats

Some of you have been sending me evidence for the Democrats: The Party Of The Rich file. Check this out:

1. Phillips Andover Academy, the posh New England prep school that once educated the children of the Republican elites, has now flipped: 

Andover Academy has changed, reflecting national political trends. Instead of the children of the nation’s GOP corporate leaders, the school now educates the children of a professional, and largely Democratic, elite.

Schools Told To Spy On Students And Report ‘Troublemakers’ To Police

Schools throughout the U.S. have been instructed to monitor their students on social media and report any unruly or “troublemaker” students to the police.  Authorities say that social monitoring software known as Snaptrends is being used to prevent cyberbullying, suicide and violence amongst students – but critics say the “safety argument” is being used as a cover to allow for the mass surveillance of students outside of school.

Dante & Change

Joshua Gibbs is teaching Dante to his students. He says (correctly!) that the Commedia is all about learning to desire the right things. This is really difficult, because it requires change, it requires metanoia. It requires repentance. And it all starts with wanting to be good, which is a more difficult thing to pull off than you might think. Excerpt:

Metaphysics Of The Men’s Room

Fox News pundit Charles Krauthammer really doesn’t get it:

Charles Krauthammer comments on Donald Trump’s apathy toward North Carolina’s new LGBT laws on transgender people using restrooms. Krauthammer is puzzled by the need for the law and asked, “do we really have an epidemic of transgenders being evil in bathrooms?”

Krauthammer said the law is a “solution in search of an issue” and said transgenders using public bathrooms has become a problem “precisely because Republicans in North Carolina decided it was a problem.”
