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Princeton Students Pictured Playing “Nazi Vs. Jews” Drinking Game

Authorities working with Princeton University are investigating a photo shown on social media that shows students playing “Alcoholocaust” – a drinking game that pits “Jews vs. Nazis”. According to a report from The Times of Israel: The photo was shared on Snapchat, where one Princeton High School student captured it and wrote about it on her blog. It shows students playing a version of beer pong dubbed “Holocaust Pong” or “Alcoholocaust.” Students can be seen pouring beer into two sets of cups arranged in the forms of a Star of David and a swastika.

Lancaster University Offers PhD In Comic Books

The University of Lancaster in the U.K. is now offering a doctorate in comic book studies under the guidance of Tintin expert Dr. Benoît Peeters. The Tab reports: Dr. Peeters, a French comic book writer, novelist, and critic has been appointed by Lancaster University as the UK’s first ever visiting professor of graphic fiction and comic art. In his three-year post, commencing next summer, he will be lecturing and supervising post-graduate students, and taking creative workshops, announced a university spokesman.

New York Students Walkout Ahead Of "Misogynist, Homophobe, Racist" Cruz Visit

New York Students Walkout Ahead Of "Misogynist, Homophobe, Racist" Cruz Visit

In what appears to be a table-turning act of micro-aggression (or just aggression), Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz's planned visit to a school in the Bronx was canceled after students threatened a walkout if the Texas senator came. As The Hill reports, students at the school wrote a letter to the principal, explaining "the presence of Ted Cruz and the ideas he stands for are offensive," calling Cruz "misogynistic, homophobic and racist." Definitely not someone they want in their 'safe space'.

Friday Humor: Most Financially Responsible Act Of A 17-Year-Old's Life

Friday Humor: Most Financially Responsible Act Of A 17-Year-Old's Life

COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Saying the turn of events will greatly benefit the 17-year-old’s economic security, sources confirmed Friday that local high school senior Emily Harrison’s failure to get into the University of Southern California, a private academic institution, will be the single most financially responsible act of her entire life.
