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UK Revolts Against "Pampered Student Emperors"

UK Revolts Against "Pampered Student Emperors"

While stories of micro-aggression and "safe spaces" abound in America, it appears the growth so-called "little emperors" throughout the world's universities is on the rise. As Harry Mount rages in the following Telegraph op-ed, the babies of the late 90s – mollycoddled by their parents, spoon-fed by their teachers, indulged by society – have now reached university and "It's time to say No to our pampered student emperors."

Via The Telegraph,

The Country Is Moving Left

The polls show that the public supports the progressive position on many, many issues. Money in politics, education, trade, inequality, Social Security and Medicare, taking on the big banks -- you name it, across the board the public sees things the way progressives, not conservatives and their corporate/billionaire funders do.

John Taylor Gatto-- How the Manager Class Stifles Public Education

John Taylor Gatto is the author of Weapons of Mass Instruction, Dumbing Us Down, and he was awarded as the New York State Teacher of the Year, and the New York City Teacher of the Year a number of times. We pick up the interview talking about how public education is designed to stifle creativity, one of the ways the manager class stifles education that Gatto covers.
