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Italy, France, Germany Say Paris Accord Can Not Be Renegotiated

Italy, France, Germany Say Paris Accord Can Not Be Renegotiated

Update 2:   Macron is now trolling Trump on twitter.

Update 1

In a response to President Donald Trump's decision to pull the US out of the Paris climate pact, French President Emmanuel Macron said Thursday night that the effects of climate change are already evident around the world.

Elon Musk Warns He Will Depart Trump Councils If U.S. Leaves Paris Deal

With Trump reportedly set to leave the Paris Climate Deal, this has prompted one of Trump's "advisors",  Elon Musk, to tweet moments ago that he has done "all he can" to advise "directly to POTUS, through others in WH & via councils" that the U.S. remain in the Paris climate deal. 

And, in response to a Twitter user asking him what he will do if Trump decides to leave the climate deal, Musk tweets "we will have no choice but to depart councils."

Trump Defies G7, Refuses To Back Climate Deal After "Controversial" Debate

Trump Defies G7, Refuses To Back Climate Deal After "Controversial" Debate

The Group of Seven world leaders, or rather Six excluding Trump, tried to tame the US president... and failed. Which means on Saturday the group will sign off on a significantly "pared-down" statement at the close of their meeting in Sicily - an indication of deep divisions on climate change, trade and various other issues between Trump and the rest of the developed world.

GM Tumbles After Allegations Of Rigging Truck Emissions Tests

GM Tumbles After Allegations Of Rigging Truck Emissions Tests

General Motors' stock price is tumbling after reports that the carmaker is accused of putting defeat devices in its trucks to beat emissions tests, becoming the sixth carmaker accused of diesel cheating since 2015, when Volkswagen AG admitted to installing software to bypass pollution rules.

Bloomberg reports that People who own or lease more than 705,000 GM Duramax diesel trucks filed a class-action lawsuit Thursday, claiming GM installed multiple such devices in two models of heavy-duty trucks from 2011 to 2016.

New Jersey Emergency Alert System 'Accidentally' Sends Nuclear Warnings To Some TVs

New Jersey Emergency Alert System 'Accidentally' Sends Nuclear Warnings To Some TVs

Coming just a month after Project Gotham Shield, a major nuclear detonation drill in the New York-New Jersey area, a false alarm that went out to some people’s television sets Tuesday might have scared some in New Jersey.

As NBC New York reports, a nuclear power plant warning issued in Cumberland and Salem counties was sent out by mistake.

The message that was sent out said “a civil authority has issued a nuclear power plant warning for the following counties/areas.”
