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U.S. Government Scientists Go ‘Rogue’ On Twitter, Defying Trump

Employees from U.S. government agencies have set up a network of unofficial “rogue” Twitter feeds defying what they see as attempts by Donald Trump to muzzle federal climate change research and other science. Using Trump’s favorite mode of discourse, scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), NASA and more than ten other bureaus have privately launched Twitter accounts,  borrowing the names and logos of their agencies, to protest restrictions they view as censorship and to provide unfettered platforms for their information.

Why Is Deadstream Media Ignoring GMO Studies?

Academic research carried out on genetically modified (GM) food is either rife with conflicts of interest (in favour of GMO corporations and their products), or when it shows negative health impacts for consumers, is ignored by corporate media. Either way, using the public in a mass experiment to promote GMO’s only enriches the GM crop industry and their subsidiaries in academia. Humans together with the bees and the flora and fauna are being used in a massive experiment that has in store unforeseen consequences for them all.

Trump Orders EPA Contract Freeze And Media Blackout

The Trump administration has instituted gag orders and freezes on the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Trump has banned Environmental Protection Agency staff from talking to press after suspending all contracts Other agencies, including the US Department of Agriculture and the Health and Human Services, have been issued similar gag orders EPA staff were instructed to freeze all its grants and contracts, as well as to stop communicating with the media and on social media.
