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Duterte Likes Tossing Criminals Out Of Helicopters

President Rodrigo Duterte says he once threw out a kidnapper from a helicopter when he was mayor of Davao and would not mind doing it again. The hard-man president of the Philippines has already admitted killing suspected criminals and now says he will impose the same punishment on corrupt officials. reports: “If you are corrupt, I will fetch you with a helicopter and I will throw you out on the way to Manila,” Duterte said, as cited by the Philippine Star newspaper.

Eminent Scientist Debunks Conventional Climate Change Science

One of the world’s leading scientists, Freeman Dyson, has gone on the recored to ‘debunk’ conventional man-made climate change research, which he says is “completely false”. Dyson worked on some of America’s greatest top secret projects, including the infamous Manhattan Project, and was closely connected  to the work of the scientist that created the Hydrogen bomb yet throughout his career he has never allowed politics to conflate the undermining science that defines his legacy. Dyson opposed the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the invasion of Iraq.
