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Trapped Baby Elephant Rescued From Drain In Sri Lanka

An elephant calf has been rescued after getting trapped in an uncovered drain in Sri Lanka. Local residents in the port of Hambantota joined forces with rescue workers and wildlife officials to free the stuck animal. BBC YouTube video: The baby elephant was taken for treatment with a suspected broken leg, according to the BBC. Officials used basic tools like hammers and chisels to free the animal.

Rio Olympics Going Ahead, Despite Zika Risks

The World Health Organization (WHO) has given the green light for the 2016 Rio Olympics to go ahead, despite the high risk the Zika virus outbreak poses to visitors.  In a surprising move WHO said they would not postpone or move the games, saying that they believed the games would “not significantly alter” the spread of the virus. BBC News reports: In an open letter to the WHO, more than 100 leading scientists had said new findings about Zika made it “unethical” for the Games to go ahead. They also said the global health body should revisit its Zika guidance.
