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Fukushima: 600 Tons Of Melted Radioactive Fuel Still Missing

The clean up team at the stricken Fukushima nuclear plant has revealed that 600 tonnes of radioactive reactor fuel melted during the disaster, and that the exact location still remains a mystery. The company hopes to locate and start removing the missing fuel from 2021, Naohiro Masuda, TEPCO’s chief of decommissioning told ABC’s Foreign Correspondent program.  He added that Japan does not yet possess the technology to extract the melted uranium fuel.

UN Warns That Yemen Is On The Brink Of Famine

The UN has warned that severe food shortages across Yemen amid relentless Saudi attacks, has bought the war torn country “one step” closer to famine. John Ging, director of operations at the UN’s Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (UNOCHA),  said that over 10 million Yemenis need basic healthcare and over 7.6 million “are severely food insecure” He added that this is “one step below the level of famine” on the international index of food insecurity.

Indonesian Volcano Erupts, Killing 7 Villagers

Mount Sinabung volcano in western Indonesia erupted on Saturday killing at least seven people and critically injuring two others, according to the country’s National Disaster Management Agency. Sinabung is still on the highest alert level and the potential for more eruptions remain high. CNN reports: The seven victims were in Gembar village in the western province of North Sumatra when the eruption occurred at 4:48 p.m. local time (9:48 a.m. GMT). Search teams comprised of police, military, Indonesian Red Cross and volunteers continue to search for other victims.

"I Am Not Your Experiment" - Thousands Around The World Protest GMO Giant Monsanto

A little over a year ago, GMO giant Monsanto was furious at the World Health Organization for linking glypshophate, the chief ingredient in weed killer Roundup, to cancer.  As a result Monsanto immediately demanded that WHO retract said report, saying that the report was biased and contradicts regulatory findings that the ingredient, glyphosate, is safe when used as labeled.
