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Thousands Of Dead Creatures Appear On Chile’s Beaches

An estimated 40,000 tons of salmon, 8,000 tons of sardines, and masses of dead wales have washed up on the beaches across Chile in recent months. The mass creature deaths are thought to be as a result of the El Niño that arrived at the beginning of 2016, which authorities say have choked the sea life to death. reports: That is about 12 percent of annual salmon production in Chile, the world’s second-biggest producer of the fish after Norway. This month, some 8,000 tons of sardines were washed up at the mouth of the Queule River.

Meteor Shower Set To Light Up The Night Skies

A meteor shower from the tail of Halley’s Comet is due to peak this week creating a display across the May night skies The dusty debris that Halley’s Comet has shed on its 75-year-long laps around the sun slams into Earth’s atmosphere during the first week of May every year, creating an annual meteor shower known as the Eta Aquarids A new Moon on May 6 will create favorable conditions for observers to see the shower and astronomers suggest watching the shower just before dawn.

Study Finds Boiling Water Responsible For Dark Streaks On Mars

A new scientific study claims that water may be responsible for carving out the dark streaks seen on the surface of Mars.  Raw Story reports: A team from France, Britain and the United States constructed models and simulated Mars conditions to follow up on a 2015 study which proffered “the strongest evidence yet” for liquid water — a prerequisite for life — on the Red Planet. That finding had left many scientists scratching their heads as the low pressure of Mars’ atmosphere means that water does not survive long in liquid form. It either boils or freezes.

Watchdog Says ISIS May Be Making Chemical Weapons

A government watchdog has warned that there are “extremely worrying” signs that ISIS might be developing chemical weapons of its own.  Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmet Uzumcu said that ISIS may already be using such weapons in Iraq and Syria. reports: Uzumcu said fact-finding teams from The Hague-based watchdog have discovered evidence that suggest the use of sulfur mustard in attacks in the two crisis-hit Arab countries.

Mass Spraying Of Mosquitoes Linked To Increase Of Autism

A new study has shown that the aerial spraying of pesticides used to kill mosquitoes has caused an increase in autism amongst children in America.  According to a study presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies, the use of pesticides to combat mosquito borne illnesses such as the Zika virus, has actually caused birth defects amongst the population. Scientists observed a 25 percent increase in autism and developmental disorders in children who lived in areas where aerial spraying for mosquitoes has been used since 2003.
