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NASA Say Our Sun Looks Like It’s Swallowing Itself

NASA have revealed that a huge hole has appeared on the Sun, which covers a staggering ten percent of its entire surface.  Footage captured by the Solar Dynamics Observatory between May 17 and 19 shows a huge black hole on the Sun’s upper half, known as a coronal hole. reports: A NASA spokesman said: “Coronal holes are low-density regions of the sun’s atmosphere, known as the corona. “Because they contain little solar material, they have lower temperatures and thus appear much darker than their surroundings. “Coronal holes are visible in certain types of extreme ultraviolet light, which is typically invisible to our eyes, but is colorised here in purple for easy viewing.” NASA says the huge hole is actually not of great concern, but it remains unclear why the coronal holes actually form. But it does mean that large amounts of solar winds, that cause the Aurora Borealis or Northern Lights to form, have been blasted to Earth. These would weak havoc with our communications and blast us with cancer-causing UV rays, if it were not for the Earth’s magnetosphere which shields us from them. The spokesman added: “These coronal holes are important to understanding the space environment around [...]