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North Korean Submarine Missing, US Officials Confirm

Three senior U.S. military officials have confirmed that North Korea have lost contact with one of its submarines this week.  According to U.S. spy satellites, ships and aircraft have monitored the situation over the past week, and observed that the North Korean navy have been struggling to find the missing sub. reports: “About week ago it went missing and the speculation is that it sank,” the official told USNI News.

Plastic Eating Bacteria Found By Japanese Scientists

Scientists in Japan have discovered a new species of bacteria that can digest and breakdown the common plastic known as PET or polyethylene terephthalate. PET is considered to be a major environmental hazard because it is highly resistant to breakdown CBS News reports: An estimated 342 million tons of plastic are produced annually worldwide, and currently, only about 14 percent is collected for recycling, according to the World Economic Forum.

Cern Scientists Discover Particle That Doesn’t Follow Laws Of Physics

Cern scientists working at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) have said that they may have discovered a new particle that appears to defy the laws of physics.  Scientists say they may have found a fifth fundamental force in nature that is six times heavier than the Higgs boson particle. reports: According to researchers, further testing is required which is why more ‘collisions’ will commence next month in order to obtain new data. Scientists believe they will have either the ultimate confirmation or refutation of its existence by summer of 2016.
